Dress sense 101

Facts you should remember about clothing and your personal appearance.

This (image branding/packaging) is one sure way I know that can enhance your brand. your personal appearance speaks volumes about you, so let the following facts stick and stay.
1.Great packaging enhances value.
2.Dress the way you want to feel instead of how you are presently feeling.
3.Don’t wait till you get that job appointment, position before you look the path, look it before you physically become it.
4.Don’t start dressing like a worker the day you get the job.
5.You may be dressed for where you are but d point is you have to be dressed for where you are going. Practice makes perfect.
6.Dress the way you desire to be addressed and perceived.
7.Your appearance influences your own emotions.
8.Your clothes send a message to others.
9.Your clothes educate others on how you desire to be approached; package yourself for where u are going rather than where you had been.
10.Your appearance determines the way people perceive you.
11.Your clothes create a climate of acceptance or rejection.
12.Your clothes can influence the decisions and plans of those who see you.
Dress sense 102 coming soon.

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